A unique game that is based on NFTs and offers a multitude of exciting features to players. Collect, trade, rent, recruit, train, and lead a team of fighters in a strategic turn-based gameplay

What is Krypto Fighters?

Krypto Fighters is a unique game that is based on NFTs and offers a multitude of exciting features to players. The game is set to launch on the Polygon network, which is a popular blockchain platform. The game allows players to collect, trade, rent, recruit, train, and lead a team of fighters in a strategic turn-based gameplay inspired by the popular game, Darkest Dungeon.

One of the exciting features of Krypto Fighters is the Adventure Mode, where players can train their Fighters by leading their team. As they progress through the game, their Fighters reach the Master Level, which enables them to coach new Junior Fighters, thus creating the next generation of unique NFT Fighters.

These NFT Fighters are not only meant to be used as gameplay mechanics for enjoyment, but they also have a range of features that make them useful for various purposes.

With the vast potential for increasing the value of NFTs that provide value to the owners, the game presents an opportunity for players to make a profit while enjoying the gameplay. As more players enter the game and acquire rare NFTs, the value of these assets is expected to increase exponentially, making it an exciting prospect for collectors and investors alike.

Additionally, the gameโ€™s use of NFTs ensures that players have complete ownership of their in-game assets, providing them with complete control over their investments.

Game modes

The Adventure Mode in Krypto Fighters is a PVE (Player Versus Environment) gameplay mode where players must lead their own team of Fighters to battle against various types of gangsters in Kryptopolis. These gangsters take advantage of the cityโ€™s inhabitants, and it is up to the playerโ€™s team to defeat them and get to the bottom of the situation. Along the way, players must defeat bosses to expand their Fight Clubโ€™s territory and reputation.

However, players cannot substitute Fighters from the Club during the adventure and must prepare their team before expanding their territory. Winning at different locations will earn players a chance to earn JAB, which can be withdrawn to the Wallet or sold later.

The Battle Arena in Krypto Fighters is a PVP (Player Versus Player) gameplay mode where players must choose the four best Fighters from their Fight Club to battle against other players and be enlisted in the Fight Clubโ€™s Hall of Fame.

The mechanics are similar to PVE, and each win will earn players JAB. Once the daily and weekly tournaments are over, the system will calculate a special reward for each player based on their ranks with KF.

The Tournament in Krypto Fighters is a prestigious monthly event that features only the best teams at the highest level of competition. To enter, users must be invited by the tournament organizers and create and register their team of six Fighters (four starting and two substitute Fighters). These lineups will remain unchanged throughout the tournament.

At the start of every scheduled tournament match, team owners must choose which four Fighters will participate in the match and which two will sit on the bench. At the end of each tournament, teams will be rewarded according to their results, and each Fighter in the winning team will be presented with a championship trophy attached to their profile.

Land System

User can explore the world of Fighters Metaverse, a self-governing state that is embroiled in conflicts between different capitalist groups, resulting in battles taking place throughout the city of Kryptopolis. To become a part of this world, users have the option to purchase plots of land within Kryptopolis.

Once users have acquired their plot of land, they have complete autonomy to customize and develop their space to suit their needs. This includes the ability to build stadiums, hospitals, gyms, or any other kind of structure that could generate long-term revenue.

The team behind Fighters Metaverse is continually working on this feature, and they plan to reveal more information as it becomes available.

By allowing users to own and customize their own plots of land, Fighters Metaverse provides a unique opportunity for players to create their own slice of the gameโ€™s universe. With the potential for long-term revenue generation, owning land within Kryptopolis is a wise investment that could pay off in a variety of ways.

The team is dedicated to ensuring that this feature is as robust and customizable as possible, so that users can truly make their mark on the world of Fighters Metaverse.


In the current era, the issue of sustainability has emerged as a major challenge for NFT games. The majority of conventional NFT games follow a model where investors earn profits from new or old players who invest in the game. This model, also known as a โ€œPonzi scheme,โ€ is not a sustainable approach in the long run. A thorough analysis of the tokenomics of such conventional NFT gamesโ€™ platforms revealed that they suffer from a โ€œlack of long-run demandโ€ issue.

To ensure that Krypto Fighters can sustain itself over the long run, they have developed a comprehensive business strategy that integrates various potential income streams.

They aim to continuously create new NFT collections and collaborate with renowned NFT artists to provide value that will ultimately result in long-term demand. Through this strategy, they seek to benefit not only their players but also their investors.

One of their key approaches is to create unique NFT collections that appeal to a broad audience. By collaborating with well-known NFT artists, they can create compelling and valuable NFTs that will attract both existing and new players to their platform.

Moreover, they are exploring the possibility of providing utility to their NFTs, which will further enhance their value.

In addition to their NFT collections, they also plan to introduce other revenue streams, such as sponsored events, merchandise sales, and advertisement partnerships. These approaches will not only provide them with a diversified income stream but also help to create a sustainable business model that benefits everyone involved.

How to earn?

At present, during the initial phase of the project, players can receive rewards by accomplishing tasks on Crew3. These rewards are available in KF Lootboxes, which include valuable items that can assist players during gameplay, along with JAB tokens that possess actual value and can be utilized to acquire in-game items and services. Therefore, letโ€™s start earning! We can calculate various income scenarios for you.

Currently, there are various types of prizes available from lootboxes, but our current focus is on the Fighter NFT, which has a 2% chance of dropping. In the table below, we will calculate the estimated income from grinding in this project, assuming that every lootbox opening will give you a Fighter NFT.

Moving forward into Q2, the team plans to release more information regarding the stage of the tokens. As of now, players can only obtain the KF loot boxes through tasks on Crew3, but there will be further opportunities to earn rewards and tokens as the game progresses. The team is committed to ensuring that players have a variety of ways to earn and utilize their rewards in order to enhance their gaming experience.

Currently, the Opensea collection has low trading volume; however, a few NFT purchases are made every month. Alternatively, on the GameTradeMarket, you can sell your NFT within a week

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