League of Kingdoms INSANE GUIDE for Web3 Strategy

You’ve heard bout League of Kingdoms many times. The game is really popular and fun to play therefore so let’s take a look at its gameplay to start playing today!

League of Kingdoms is a free-to-play-to-earn game. You can sell your resources as an NFT on OpenSea or Playdapp.

How to start playing?

The app can be downloaded on App Store / Play Market. Also, you can play it in your browser. The game provides different login methods including Google Account, Apple, Facebook, and email and you can even log in as a guest. Moreover, it’s much better to play through their official website, where you can just sign in and connect your wallet.



First, create an account in a convenient way for you, then be sure to connect the wallet to your account. Unfortunately, on the phone you will have to do this through crutches, so first of all, we advise you to do it on a computer through a browser, if possible. Here is a little guide on how to do it:

Also, there you can buy NFTs in OpenSea / Playdapp (or you can tokenize your resources and sell them as an NFT). It is easy to do, but pay attention to the network you use. You can change it in your profile!

ATTENTION! If you do not have a PC

https://discord.gg/94P7MQ559y — League of Kingdoms discord

You can ask for help or if you know how you can use Kiwi browser on your phone!

Starting quests and important thing

After you have logged into the game, you’ll receive starting quests (the game will tell you what to do). At some point, you will be asked to join an alliance and, please, pay attention to this moment, it’s important.

You should write ‘GameTradeMarket’ and join our alliance! It can be full, but we are trying to increase the size of the alliance and perhaps create an additional one. Also, join our discord, here it is:

GameTradeMarket Discord: https://discord.com/invite/gametrade

This is not just advertising, here you will find a great community, you can ask for help, learn more about the game and other Web3 games, participate in a lot of contests (with USDT rewards, hehe), etc. Also, there you will find our other social media.

Graphics & UI

The graphics are very good for such a game. Pleasant, thematic, and suitable. You’ll like it for sure!

The UI is pretty simple and intuitive, made with high quality.

Start and advice

For starters, just do everything the game tells you to do. Don’t use a lot of speedups and gems, it is better to save them for the future, when improvements, training, and so on will take not hours, but days, as well as for alliance wars.

At first, you won’t have problems with resources, but in the future, it’s worth knowing that the most problems will be with wood material. Therefore upgrade and build more Lumber Camps, but the main thing is barracks. Constantly build, upgrade barracks, and train new troops.

About troops:

Cavalry > Infantry > Archers
You need more cavalry and speed to find more crystal mines. Also, the cavalry is the best unit for PvE: you can kill a lot more monsters that are far away from you, because of the cavalry’s mobility.
Infantries are good for mining as they have a high load, but they’re very slow, so our compromise is the archers.
In conclusion, it’s better to train the most cavalry, than archers/infantry.

Kingdoms mainly consist of two parts: the interior castle & outer fields.

Facilities (Interior Castle)

  • Academy
    Another important building is needed for the development of your kingdom. Here you improve your army and resource gathering. My advice is to improve the army in the first place. Also, constantly improve this building to unlock the next upgrades and develop faster.
  • Treasure House
    For opening chests, you get items or their pieces that give various buffs. You can equip and improve them in this building. There are also daily chests here, and upgrading this building increases the number of slots you can equip items into and the number of daily chests. So Treasure House is an important one too.
  • Trading Post
    Here you can find a gem shop, VIP shop, and the so-called “caravan”, in which you will buy pieces of equipment, speedups, etc.
  • Wall
    Defends your kingdom against attacks.
  • Castle
    Your main building, upgrading increases the number of groups of troops that you can send on missions, the very capacity of troops that you can use, the capacity of troops that you can produce, as well as the level limits of all other buildings and your overall capabilities depend on the Castle.
  • Hospital
    Everything is simple here: you heal wounded troops.
  • Storage
    Responsible for Food, Lumber, Stone, and Gold Protection Capacity (storage facility determines your kingdom’s capacity to protect resources from enemy attacks).
  • Watch Tower
    Unlocks objects on the field (mobs, resources). You send spies for reconnaissance of the world around your castle (the maximum radius depends on the level of the building).
  • Hall of Alliance
    Everything about the alliance will be viewed and managed in this facility, including joining, supporting, etc.
Interior Castle
Kingdom development

Outer fields

There is an external field outside of the fortress. There are limited sites where buildings can be constructed. This is where the real strategy comes into play.

You will be constantly making strategic decisions to utilize limited spaces, resources, and/or time both efficiently and effectively.

Five buildings can be constructed: Barrack, Farm, Lumbercamp, Quarry, and Gold Mines. Read Start and advice.

So far, we learned about what we can do inside the kingdom. But to unlock more possibilities of your kingdom, you must embark on adventures outside of your safety zone!

Aside from so many social things that you can do with other kingdoms or alliances, there are two important activities you can enjoy outside of your kingdom: resource collection and monster hunting.

Game field resources

Resource reserves spring up across the continent on empty spots periodically based on the Land level. The land levels determine the range of quality for the resources that are spawned within. The resources have levels that correspond to their total capacity to be mined.

Each resource site has its reserve capacity and expiration period.

The depleted reserves before their expiration period will automatically respawn in a few hours in a different place within the Land.

The expired reserves (expiration cycle is up to 2 days) will be removed and will respawn in a different place. The resource type, level, and quantity may change when regenerated.

All the collection activities on the Land will count toward the Land’s Dev-point accumulation.


Another thing you can do outside of your kingdom is monster hunting. There will be a multitude of species and types of monsters that can inhabit the continent. Similar to resources, monsters also expire and respawn periodically every few days. The type and level of the monsters may vary when regenerated.

Species and levels will characterize each of the monsters you come across in the fields. By clicking each monster, you will be able to study their details, skills, and potential rewards you can acquire from them if your army can successfully slay them. These factors are determined primarily by the Land levels.

The higher the level of your monsters, the more lucrative rewards will they drop. But, don’t dare to confront the formidable high-leveled monsters, if you think you are not ready yet.

Example of monster

Killing monsters increases your Lord level

Each level provides you with rewards and mastery points. You can find mastery in your profile.

Spend mastery points on Combat & Governor’s Masteries at first.

Also, after killing a monster, a crystal appears in its place, which gives you random buffs (it can be troop speed, gathering speed, etc.).


Probably one of the most interesting things in this game is the alliance and interaction with it. You can ask for help in speeding up the upgrading of a building (notice: help is free), go hunting together, help a clanmate with troops, participate in an alliance war, help each other in battles with other kingdoms, and so on.

The alliance also has its system of general improvements “Technology” (both combat and productive) and its shop where you can buy chests, speedups, etc.

The most interesting thing is the joint monster hunting, the so-called “Rally”.

You choose a strong monster that will require the help of your alliance members in the battle, choose the preparation time during which your alliance members must join you for the future battle, and start the rally.


Get To VIP 6 ASAP!

By upgrading your VIP levels, you can see a HUGE increase in gathering and production buffs. You also unlock the second builder permanently at VIP level 5 and an additional troop dispatch queue at level 6.

Max out your daily Alliance TECHNOLOGY donation Alliance coin budget and help your Alliance mates as much as possible to earn more Alliance coins. These coins can be used to purchase VIP points from your Alliance SHOP to increase your VIP levels.


We didn’t tell you everything but touched on all the basic things of the game in great detail. The game is incredibly interesting and addictive, so be careful.

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