Crypto Adventure with Forest Knight: A Game That Rewards Your Skills and Strategy

Recruit and upgrade heroes to customize strategy, purchase land to establish their presence and other interestin mechanics in thisweb3 turn-based combat strategy game

The game features turn-based combat, requiring strategic thinking as heroes have limited moves and cell-based movement. Each player can assemble a team of 3 heroes, each of which can be upgraded and equipped with various items. Heroes have unique skills, mechanics, and effects, as well as distinct movement styles, attack ranges, and weapons. There are four main types of heroes, including tanks, damage dealers, supports, and hybrids, which combine elements of the previous three. Additionally, there are subclasses such as Paladin, Barbarian, Thief, Witch, Mage, Assassin, Priest, Elf Archer, Raider, Forest Knight, Arcanist, Ninja, and Samurai.

The game world is divided into six regions, each with its own guardian that impacts the entire region. To participate in a Boss Battle Event, players need keys, which can be purchased or obtained once every 24 hours. The World Boss, the game’s most formidable enemy, appears twice a week and requires coordinated efforts from multiple players to defeat. Players can fight the World Boss using a key, and their damage dealt contributes to a leaderboard that ranks players and awards prizes based on their rank. Additionally, players can complete daily missions in any battle to earn loot.

As players progress through the campaign, their characters grow stronger and earn new equipment in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These items can be merged to create unique and powerful equipment, allowing players to upgrade their heroes and recruit new heroes that align with their battle strategy. The gameplay is turn-based and draws inspiration from chess, with each hero having a limited number of moves and a special ability that affects the battlefield in a specific way, opening up endless strategic possibilities.

As players reach higher levels, they discover that they are not alone in the world, and that there are many towns and other teams of powerful heroes. Players can purchase land and deploy buildings in the form of NFTs and smart contracts, which allows them to participate in clan wars, earn in-game currency, and shape the future of the world map. This adds a dynamic element to the game, as players can compete with other teams and work together to influence the game world.

Token $KNIGHT and his utility

  • $KNIGHT is the game currency that players use to purchase digital assets and land in the game.
  • Token holders could participate in staking and earn rewards at a certain percentage of platform revenues will be given out as staking rewards. For instance, the gaming platform would have revenues from land sales, asset sales, transaction fees, etc. and that a fixed proportion would be distributed to the staking pool. NFTs will also have DeFi features such as collateralization and Building contracts (as described in this document)
  • There is a proportion of the tokens reserved for user incentives. By completing quests in the game, players could earn $KNIGHT tokens. This design is to encourage user participation in the game and to maintain traction.
  • Owning $KNIGHT enables a player to participate in the governance process through a decentralized organization, with proposals and voting structures. There are issues related to the platform operations and development that could be decided based on the preference of the token holders. In order to encourage users to participate in the voting process, there will also be rewards for voters.

You can find the current rate of the Knight coin here ⬇️


The Forest Knight VIP System

Here is a table detailing the various levels, points needed, and perks associated with our VIP system. The lower levels offer quality-of-life bonuses, while the higher levels require more effort to achieve but come with significant boosts for our esteemed knights, making them well worth the effort.

The VIP System is one of the main mechanics in the game and without which you cannot succeed properly, and this item is also very important for making money in the game, which will be described in the next paragraph.

InGame Earning Opportunities

  1. Crafting (Asmorian System)
    Every time you do an Adventure missons, on a level higher than 12, you get some crystals(Yellow, Blue, Purple). When you reach 1000 crystals, you can mint a NFT.
  2. Bosses
    It’s the second way to get NFTs. Every time you fight bosses, you get a Token. Depending on your rank, after the Bosses are defeated or the time expires you re get some reward Token also. When you reach a certain number of Tokens, you can go to Town Shop(the last 2 tabs). The price of this NFTs increases as they number drops, through a process called “halving”.
  3. The arena is another place where you can get NFTs.
    When you open a chest, you might the chance for a NFT to “drop”.
  4. In the Adventure area, every 11th level is a miniboss fight. If you defeat them, you have a (very, very, very) small chance of getting a NFT.
  5. You can also get NFTs from various events the game hosts.

All your received NFTs will be in your in-game armory, which you can withdraw to your personal wallet only from VIP level 5, only once a month. Then you can sell all the NFTs you receive on the in-game marketplace.

Approximate earnings per month
Approximate earnings per month with VIP 8 level

All calculations are approximate and do not carry any financial advice. Many factors in this game depend on your luck.




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