Web3 Game Aavegotchi: Merging Tamagotchi Nostalgia with Crypto Collectibles

In this game, players can stake their NFT avatars with interest-generating assets called aTokens and explore the Aavegotchi metaverse, known as the Gotchiverse, which has not been released yet.


Aavegotchi is a game developed by Pixelcraft Studios, based in Singapore, that draws inspiration from Tamagotchi and combines Decentralized Finance (DeFi) with non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The Gotchiverse is a virtual world created by Aavegotchi where users can participate in various activities like crafting, farming, fighting, and trading. It encompasses a large land area, with notable landmarks including The Citaadel, The Grid, and The Beyond.

Aavegotchis enjoy socializing with their friends, going on โ€œAadventuresโ€ together, and venturing into dungeons within the Gotchiverse. To delve deeper into the futuristic Metaverse and discover abundant unreleased content, you can visit the Aavegotchi Wiki.

Despite most features not being available yet, Aavegotchiโ€™s price has experienced rapid growth since its launch in September 2020. The game may expand further with the upcoming Haunt 2 event. Keep reading to learn how you can immerse yourself in the current version of Aavegotchi gameplay.

More about Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are digital collectibles known as ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that depict pixelated ghosts residing on the Ethereum blockchain. The value of an Aavegotchi is determined by various factors, including the staked collateral in the form of aTokens, their base traits, and the wearables they have equipped.

Collateral Stake

Each Aavegotchi requires a specific amount of aTokens, which are ERC20 collateral backed by Aave, to be staked. This collateral generates yield and increases in value over time, contributing to the Aavegotchiโ€™s โ€œintrinsic value.โ€

Base Traits

Every Aavegotchi possesses multiple traits that influence their base rarity score (BRS), performance in mini-games, and eligibility to wear specific items. Some traits are randomly generated at birth, while others are determined through player interactions with the Aavegotchi.

Random Traits

When an Aavegotchi is born, it is assigned six random trait values, namely Aggressiveness (AGG), Energy (NRG), Spookiness (SPK), Brain Size (BRN), Eye Shape (EYS), and Eye Color (EYC). Each trait is assigned a rarity rating (Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Mythical) and follows a bell curve distribution. The base rarity score (BRS) can be calculated using a formula based on the Aavegotchiโ€™s trait values.


Kinship, which represents the bond between an Aavegotchi and its owner, starts at a fixed value of 50 at birth. It can increase or decrease based on various circumstances, such as the duration of ownership and the frequency of owner interactions with the Aavegotchi.


Aavegotchis gain experience and level up by participating in AavegotchiDAO voting and playing mini-games. With each level, an Aavegotchi earns one Spirit Point, which can affect the increase or decrease of specific attributes.


Wearables are in-game assets that can be temporarily worn by an Aavegotchi, altering its appearance. They can also modify certain traits of the Aavegotchi. Some wearables can only be equipped by Aavegotchis with specific collaterals, at a certain level, or possessing particular traits.

How to start playing Aavegotchi?

Obtain GHST Tokens

To play Aavegotchi, acquire GHST tokens, the gameโ€™s native cryptocurrency. GHST can be used to purchase assets like Aavegotchi characters, portals, wearables, and consumables. GHST offers additional features like staking and voting on the decentralized platform. Obtain GHST tokens by buying from the Bonding Curve (KYC required), decentralized exchanges on Ethereum Mainnet or Polygon Network, or centralized exchanges like Binance and Kraken. Bridge assets using Aavegotchi bridge due to migration to Polygon.

Explore the Baazaar Marketplace

Baazaar is Aavegotchiโ€™s official secondary marketplace. List items for sale with a 0.1 GHST fee. Itโ€™s currently the only place to buy Aavegotchis, but the โ€œHaunt 2โ€ event on August 26 will offer portals for auction.

Summon Aavegotchi Friends

Use a portal to summon an Aavegotchi friend from the Nether Realm. Portals cost around 100 GHST, but the Haunts event will have 10,000 Portals available. Stake required aTokens to claim an Aavegotchi from the portal, providing intrinsic and rarity value.

Engage in Rarity Farming

Rarity farming rewards players raising rarest Gotchis. At the end of each period, the rarest Gotchis receive GHST rewards derived from 40% of all GHST spent. Rarity farming involves Aavegotchi Rarity Scores, Kinship Scores, and Experience.

Interact with Your Gotchi

Engage with your Aavegotchi in various ways:

  • Pet: Increase kinship by paying a fee every 12 hours.
  • Equip: Raise base rarity score by equipping wearables.
  • Feed: Enhance traits with consumables from the Baazaar.
  • Rename: Personalize your Gotchiโ€™s name.

Additional Spirit Force stake beyond the minimum provides no extra benefits or rarity.


In the Gotchiverse, there are two categories of mini-games: official and community-created. Currently, the development team is still working on the official mini-games, and further details will be provided once they are released.

To maintain fairness in gameplay, each mini-game will offer advantages or disadvantages based on the different traits of Aavegotchis. For example, a โ€œHYPER-AGGRESSIVEโ€ Gotchi might excel in a Fight Club mini-game but not perform as well in a cake-baking mini-game.


Staking involves locking up your cryptocurrency as a validator on the blockchain, which allows you to earn rewards. In the case of Aavegotchi, GHST tokens can be staked in the Staking Contract to earn FRENS tokens.

FRENS tokens are non-transferable and cannot be bought. They serve a specific purpose, allowing you to redeem Raffle Tickets or Drop Tickets:

  • Raffle Tickets can be used to participate in Wearable Raffles held periodically, giving you the opportunity to win Wearables.
  • Drop Tickets can be used to enter NFT Raffles and have a chance to win Portals and REALM Parcels.

About the Aavegotchi developers

The game has been developed by Pixelcraft Studios, a Singapore-based company.

The teamโ€™s presence on the Aavegotchi Wiki is highly appreciated in the realm of DeFi games. Itโ€™s common for many blockchain games to omit information about their developers, so this level of transparency inspires trust.

One notable individual within the team is Jesse Johnson, also known as GldnXross, who played a key role in the development of the NFT minting marketplace, Mintable. He is also credited with creating the concept of value-Staked NFTs.

Other team members possess extensive experience in various fields, as mentioned in their biographies on the Wiki. Many have backgrounds in blockchain development, technology companies, and programming. The developers are transparent about the game mechanics, earning opportunities, and getting started, providing valuable information for players.


Overall, weโ€™re impressed by the scale of this game. There are many features and ways to play, the NFTs are cute and collectible, the developers are transparent and โ€” perhaps most importantly โ€” there are many ways to earn.

The minigames are a great feature, allowing players to use their unique Aavegotchis to earn rewards. The wearables have real utility since they increase your Aavegotchiโ€™s rarity level.

Buying REALM, renting out your NFTs, farming and more โ€” weโ€™re thrilled to see a DeFi game with so many features and ways to play. And it has expansive guides and FAQs to check out if youโ€™re ever unsure of how a specific feature works.

However, the game has a bit of a learning curve, and may not be suited for beginner players. But starting out is low-risk, since new players donโ€™t have to buy an Aavegotchi to get started.

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