How To Start Playing Spells Of Genesis: Full Guide

Spells of Genesis utilizes numerous blockchain collectible resources while offering engaging and genuine gameplay. The concept is straightforward yet captivating, and as you advance, a clever strategy becomes essential to conquer adversaries.

Introduction To Spells Of Genesis

Unlike many blockchain games that necessitate a Metamask wallet and cryptocurrency for participation, Spells of Genesis breaks this mold. The majority of the gameโ€™s operations take place on a centralized server, eliminating the requirement for specific software or cryptocurrency to begin playing.

How To Play Spells Of Genesis

The gameplay in Spells of Genesis revolves around a mountain map divided into different levels. Initially, portions of the map are concealed by clouds, gradually revealing higher-level areas as you complete levels. Clicking on a specific area initiates the corresponding level, while your characters reside at the bottom of the screen with enemies and obstacles positioned above them.

One of your characters emits a magical ray, which can be adjusted by tapping and repositioning it on a mobile device or clicking and holding on a PC. Releasing the ray causes a beam of magical energy to be projected from your character, interacting with objects in its path much like a billiard ball. It can strike enemies, rebound off walls, strike the enemy once again, destroy barriers shielding the enemy, or perform any other action expected of a projectile.

After dealing with an enemy using your first character, the next character in line becomes active. However, enemies possess countdown timers that indicate the number of turns remaining before they launch an attack. If you fail to eliminate an enemy before their timer reaches zero, they will unleash an energy beam on any character positioned directly below them, inflicting damage.


Each character in the game possesses two distinct statistics that impact gameplay. The first stat determines the amount of damage the character inflicts when attacking an enemy, while the second stat reflects the characterโ€™s resilience, indicating how much damage they can endure before perishing. If you have experience playing Magic: The Gathering or other collectible card games (CCGs), this system will likely feel familiar.

Enemies are represented by icons accompanied by green health bars. As your characters engage in combat and deal damage to these enemies, their health bars gradually diminish. Once the health bar is completely depleted, the enemy is eliminated. Your objective is to eliminate all enemies before they manage to eliminate all of your characters. If your characters perish before you can achieve this, you will be defeated. Progressing through levels unlocks additional sections of the map, presenting more formidable challenges. Some levels feature moving boxes and other intricate obstacles, offering a greater complexity to the gameplay. Naturally, overcoming these challenges will yield more rewarding outcomes.

In Spells of Genesis, most of the cards available are considered playing cards, which can be acquired within the game itself. However, these cards solely exist on the central server operated by the developers. On the other hand, there are also blockchain cards among the available options. These cards typically need to be obtained from designated merchants or directly from the developers. Blockchain cards are considered player-owned assets and can be freely traded or sold through the Book of Orbs app.

Consequently, it is important to note that not all cards in the game are NFTs. Whether you choose to pursue NFT cards to potentially earn cryptocurrencies within the Spells of Genesis system or simply play the game without any monetary investment is entirely up to your preference and decision.


As you progress through the game levels, you will receive random cards and coins as rewards.

Coins come in three varieties: gold, crystals, and gemstones. These coins can be utilized to purchase random cards from the card shop. Once you acquire additional cards, you have the option to exchange them with the cards you currently possess, either obtained through pickups or purchases.

Instead of swapping cards, there is also the possibility to upgrade them. Upgrading a card enhances the characterโ€™s statistics by consuming crystals. However, once a character has reached its maximum upgrade level, further upgrades are not possible. Cards at higher levels can be merged with identical cards of the same level, resulting in a brand new and more powerful card. For instance, merging two 1/6 Carnia Potion Sellers would yield a 1/7 Carnia Serpent Fisherman. Once a card is created through fusion, it can be further upgraded until it reaches its maximum level once again.

A card can undergo merging up to four times and subsequently be leveled to the maximum once more. This leads to the creation of the highest-level card in the game, characterized by four fuses and upgraded to the maximum level. These particular cards have the option to be โ€œblockchainized,โ€ meaning they can be transformed into decentralized blockchain assets.

In case you obtain a card that you do not desire, there is an option to convert it into crystals through a process known as letter crystallization. Additionally, as previously mentioned, you have the opportunity to transform your quad-merged and fully-upgraded in-game cards into blockchain cards. This conversion process can be carried out up to three times per month, with the associated costs outlined below:

  • 1st card: 200 crystals
  • 2nd card: 35 jewels
  • 3rd card: 150 jewels


While Spells of Genesis primarily operates as a centralized game on the developerโ€™s server, it is possible to enjoy the game purely for entertainment purposes without engaging with any new technologies. However, if you have an interest in collecting SoG blockchain cards, it is important to understand the underlying technology behind these cards.

The technology employed by Spells of Genesis revolves around a system known as BitCrystal. BitCrystal serves as an intelligent contract protocol specifically designed for gaming applications. It enables the creation of unique tokens representing in-game assets. Transactions involving the purchase or sale of these game assets are recorded within the BitCrystal system, ensuring decentralized ownership and removing control from the developerโ€™s hands.

To facilitate its operations, BitCrystal operates on the counterparty platform. The counterparty platform is a versatile smart contract platform that utilizes the Bitcoin blockchain. It achieves this by encoding smart contract transactions as additional data within Bitcoin transactions, allowing for the execution of various functionalities.

In theory, the utilization of Counterparty should enhance the security of BitCrystal compared to other gaming platforms. This is due to the Bitcoin blockchainโ€™s robust hashing power, which provides heightened protection against double spend attacks. The Bitcoin blockchain is widely recognized as one of the most secure blockchain networks.

However, it is important to acknowledge that BitCrystal also offers advantages commonly found in other smart contract platforms like Ethereum. Despite its security features, BitCrystal has not gained the same level of popularity as other gaming platforms that operate on Ethereum, such as EMONT, LOOM, or Enjin Coin.

Furthermore, the native currency of BitCrystal, BCY, exhibits less liquidity compared to the currencies utilized on these alternative platforms. This liquidity disparity can pose challenges for users, as they would need to convert their SoG cards into BCY in order to make transactions involving the platform. Potential buyers of SoG cards should consider these advantages and disadvantages when making decisions regarding their purchases.

Is it worth playing?

However, before diving into purchasing the complete set of SoG cards, itโ€™s crucial to highlight that Spells of Genesis is not primarily a blockchain game. While it is possible to acquire blockchain cards and engage with them within the game, these cards are not essential for gameplay. You can enjoy the game using only the free cards, setting it apart from other blockchain games or even traditional games where specific cards are required for optimal play.

Considering the current circumstances, the reasons why a collector would desire blockchain SoG cards remain unclear. If the value and purpose behind owning these cards are not evident, it may not be a wise decision to actively collect them, especially since there might not be a substantial market for reselling them.

Perhaps in the future, the developer may introduce a multiplayer version of SoG, where the emotional value of playing with rare cards against opponents could drive their desirability. However, until any indications or plans in that direction emerge, it is advisable to enjoy the game with the free cards.

Of course, if you are a dedicated fan of the game, you may choose to invest in a series of rare cards with hopes that their value will appreciate over time. By doing so, you would position yourself at the forefront of the SoG community, and if the cards eventually become highly valuable, you would find yourself in a favorable position for trading your rare cards. Nevertheless, it is important to carefully consider the risks associated with such investments before proceeding.


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