Dive into a world of battles and adventures: The ultimate guide to Splinterlands game

Splinterlands is a collectible NFT card game with automated battles that operates on the Hive blockchain. The game offers a range of features such as daily quests, guilds, seasonal rewards every two weeks, and a tournament system.

Additionally, players can rent cards securely through the in-game marketplace. If you’re interested in learning how to play this web3-enabled game, this guide will get you started. By simply playing the game, players can earn cards and token rewards. The addition of land gameplay is expected to occur in 2023.

Splinterlands Gameplay Overview

Splinterlands features one-on-one battles where players select a summoner and a combination of creatures that are either neutral or belong to the same element as the summoner. For instance, Water Summoners can use Water Creatures and Neutral Creatures.

Battle info

Each Summoner and Monster in Splinterlands has an assigned Mana cost, and the battles are constrained by a limit on the available Mana, which can vary from as little as 11 to as much as 99. Additionally, higher-ranked battles may involve up to three special rules, which can take numerous forms. For example, some matches may allow only melee attacks, or each Monster might start the battle already poisoned, or no Monsters with Magic attack may be allowed. These rules introduce variability from battle to battle and compel players to think strategically about every encounter.

In Splinterlands, battles are resolved automatically once initiated. However, selecting cards that complement each other and can potentially counter the opponent is a challenging task.

The placement of cards is significant in Splinterlands because the majority of creatures can only target the opposing card in the front position. Melee attack cards can solely attack from the first position, while Ranged ones can only attack when positioned beyond the first spot. On the other hand, Magic creatures can attack from any position and bypass armor.

In Splinterlands, the majority of Summoners offer some form of bonus or debuff for the opponent, while numerous Monsters possess abilities, totaling several dozen different ones. These abilities can impact individual cards, team buffs, or enemy debuffs. Examples include Sneak, which targets the enemy Creature in the back, Reflection, which returns half of the received magic damage back to the attacker, and Bloodlust, which boosts the stats of the creature upon getting a kill. Some Monsters even have multiple abilities, particularly at higher levels.

As players begin playing Splinterlands, they receive a set of free, account-bound cards to use.

How to LVL UP Cards?

Splinterlands incorporates an interesting mechanism where cards can level up by combining multiple copies of the same card. As Monsters advance in levels, they gain new abilities and stats that can significantly impact battles. However, the number of cards needed for combining increases with each level. Common cards max out at level 10, Rares at 8, Epics at 6, and Legendary cards at level 4.

This feature not only encourages players to continue buying packs but also establishes an ongoing, deflationary method for cards once their production cycle is completed. When players merge cards, the extra ones are destroyed, leading to a decrease in the total supply for that card.

However, more important than Monsters leveling up are Summoners leveling up, as the former dictates the maximum Monster level that can be used. For instance, level 1 Rare Summoners can only use Monsters that are level 1 and are barred from using Legendary cards entirely.

Additionally, each league in Splinterlands has restrictions on the maximum Summoner level that can be utilized. Players can still use higher-level cards, but their stats will be automatically lowered to match the highest level allowed for the fight.

Play-To-Earn Mechanics

Splinterlands offers a robust economy, with various rewards such as daily quests, seasonal rewards, leaderboards, and tournaments, which provide additional rewards for those looking for more challenges.

While Splinterlands can be played for free, players must purchase a Summoner’s Spellbook for $10 to access rewards. This Spellbook is not an NFT and cannot be traded. It is an account upgrade that grants players access to all aspects of Splinterlands.

Winning matches earns players Splintershards tokens and ranking points. Daily quests and end-of-season rewards are also available. The number of reward chests players receive is determined by the number of ranking points they accumulate. Reward chests may contain reward cards, SPS tokens, Merits (used to buy Gladiator packs), Potions, and even card packs.

There are two types of Potions, Legendary, and Alchemy, which increase the chances of finding Legendary or Gold Foil cards, respectively. Potions only work when opening card packs, not reward chests.

The game also has a tournament system, with weekly tournaments hosted by the Splinterlands team and additional tournaments run by the community. The in-game interface handles everything, eliminating the need for tracking tournaments on a secondary website. Players can join Guilds and participate in twice-weekly team competitions for Guild-related rewards and SPS tokens.

Cards and card packs can be sold or traded. In addition to standard reward chests, the top 30 players in each Tier receive a bonus payment of SPS tokens at the end of a season.

Beginning on January 31st, 2023, reward cards will be account bound until their print run ends. Duplicates can still be combined to level up cards.

Splinterlands Tokens

Splinterlands has four main tokens: DEC (Dark Energy Crystals), SPS (Splintershards), Credits (a stablecoin), and Vouchers. To purchase packs and potions in the game, players must use either Credits or DEC, which can be acquired easily through a swap mechanism that accepts Paypal and several different cryptocurrencies. Burning Splinterlands cards or exchanging SPS tokens are ways to obtain DEC.

DEC is primarily used in-game for buying, selling, and renting cards. SPS serves as the game’s governance token and is utilized in almost every aspect of the ecosystem. SPS can be used to purchase packs and other Splinterlands items, burned to create new DEC tokens, and may play a significant role in land gameplay. Additionally, players can stake their SPS tokens to vote on game proposals through the in-game interface.

Vouchers are exclusive to the Hive blockchain and are utilized for special promotions and events. Daily airdrops of VOUCHERS are received by SPS and Splinterlands license holders. These tokens were previously necessary for early access to Chaos Legion packs and the Waka Spiritblade promotion.

All four tokens can be traded on the Hive-Engine market. SPS and DEC tokens can also be transferred to other blockchains, including Ethereum and Binance Chain.

Starting Tips

The game offers a set of level 1 cards for use, which are not owned by the player, including Summoners and Creatures. New players are encouraged to follow the short tutorial to learn the basics. Afterward, players should experiment with different card combinations and Summoners to gain experience.

Summoners are essential for reaching higher ranks. Renting higher-level Summoners can be a good strategy. If building your own set of cards, focus on two or three Summoners.

Experiment with different card combinations and strategies. It is not always necessary to use the highest-value cards. Having a specific focus, such as healing, can make a significant difference. Make sure to add a healer if none of your Monsters can self-heal.

Check the upgrades available for your cards and sell or rent the ones you do not use. Upgrade the cards that you use frequently. The rental market is an excellent source of high-level cards that can help you reach higher ranks. PeakMonsters is a valuable resource for finding deals and gaining a better overview of the market.

Before selecting your team, examine your opponent’s recent match history by hovering over their battle history icons on the start match screen. Identifying a pattern in their playstyle can provide a significant advantage.

Gradually work your way up through the ranks. Bronze ranks do not offer significant rewards, so it is best to aim for higher ranks. Once you reach the Silver ranks, you will receive SPS and more cards as rewards, allowing you to level up duplicate cards for stronger teams.

Playing steadily daily is better than marathon sessions. Each player has a “Capture Rate” factor that affects the amount of SPS and ranking points they earn from winning matches. The rate decreases with each match and slowly regains over time.


Splinterlands is a popular blockchain-based collectible card game that offers players a unique and engaging gaming experience. It features a wide variety of summoners, creatures, and spells that players can collect, upgrade, and use to battle against opponents. The game’s economy is powered by several tokens, including Dark Energy Crystals (DEC), Splintershards (SPS), Credits, and Vouchers, which players can earn, buy, and sell on various blockchain markets. The game is free to play and offers a tutorial for new players to learn the basics. Splinterlands requires a Hive account to play, but they are free to create and offer a secure and straightforward login process. With the rental market, players can rent powerful cards to help them reach higher ranks and earn better rewards. Overall, Splinterlands is an exciting and rewarding game that offers endless possibilities and opportunities for players to strategize and compete against each other.

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