What to Watch in November’s Web3 Gaming Scene

As we dive into November, let’s take a closer look at some prominent web3 gaming entities that have piqued our interest.

The web3 gaming market is in a state of continuous growth, with mobile gaming leading the way, yet the world of web3 gaming extends far beyond mobile platforms. Desktop and web-based games are thriving as well.

Epic Games

Epic Games recently made an unexpected announcement that caught the attention of many. They revealed plans to eliminate the ability for players to trade Rocket League skins. This move was explained as an effort to align with Epic’s overarching approach to game cosmetics and item shop policies, where items are no longer tradable, transferrable, or sellable.

While this decision directly affects a game owned by Epic Games, it raises questions about the broader implications within the Epic Games ecosystem. Could it signify a larger trend or simply reflect the company’s desire to maintain control over in-game item transactions?

Gods Unchained

Despite being one of the pioneers in the web3 gaming space, Gods Unchained continues to face challenges in retaining a substantial player base, with weekly numbers hovering around 5,000 players. However, the game remains innovative, introducing a new expansion set, a fresh game mode (Sealed), and ongoing updates to its crafting feature.

Initial feedback on the new expansion has been positive, with veteran players embracing the additional cards, novel game mechanics, and updated god powers. The play-to-earn aspect remains alive, offering three distinct avenues for players to earn rewards: daily play and earn, weekend tournaments, and victories in Sealed mode. While the game appears promising, the question lingers — can it attract a more extensive player community?

Gala Games

Gala Games, another stalwart in the web3 gaming scene, has rolled out several titles this year, including Grit, Champions Arena, and Legacy. While the company does not publicly disclose player statistics, anecdotal evidence suggests that, despite a growing portfolio of games, player numbers for many Gala titles are on the decline.

Gala Games also features a suite of mobile games that have garnered popularity among an existing player base. Legacy, Gala’s most recent release, has generated buzz, but the key challenge lies in retaining current players while attracting fresh blood.

Sweat Economy

Sweat Economy, a relatively new entrant in the web3 move-to-earn sphere, enjoyed a head start by leveraging its existing user base familiar with the concept of earning through gift cards and other rewards. The platform has expanded its offerings, including a web3 wallet, and has recently extended its reach to Android users and those in the United States.

Currently, Sweat Economy boasts the largest active user base among web3 games. However, the real test lies in its ability to sustain growth while ensuring user satisfaction. The influx of new players, while beneficial, may also pose challenges to the platform’s in-game economy, a phenomenon observed in other move-to-earn games.

As we step into November, these web3 gaming entities will undoubtedly be worth keeping a close eye on. The evolving dynamics of the web3 gaming landscape promise an exciting month ahead, with player trends and developments in these games providing valuable insights into the future of the industry.

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