Game Modes and Collaborative Gameplay in Web3 Game Review

Welcome to the world of, a revolutionary first-person shooter (FPS) game that combines the excitement of FPS battles with the innovation of blockchain technology. This game takes FPS gaming to a whole new level by allowing players to earn character NFTs and weapon skins through in-game battles.


Welcome to the world of, a revolutionary first-person shooter (FPS) game that combines the excitement of FPS battles with the innovation of blockchain technology. This game takes FPS gaming to a whole new level by allowing players to earn character NFTs and weapon skins through in-game battles.

With daily quests, special events, and clan wars, players can immerse themselves in the world of and compete against others to climb the PvP ranks. As you progress and earn more victories, your NFTs will level up, which in turn will increase their value and glow both in-game and on the marketplace.

For those who love FPS shooting games and are curious about new NFT technology, is the perfect game to experience new and exciting things.



Players face up to 8 opponents on a map and try to eliminate as many as possible. The player with the most kills at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Team Deathmatch

Players are randomly divided into groups of 4 and must eliminate opponents. The eliminations of each team member are accumulated, and the team with the highest score at the end of the time limit wins the game.

Sniper Shotgun

This mode is similar to Deathmatch, but you have a limitation to use only sniper and shotgun weapons.


Survival is a game mode that requires two players to work together to defend themselves from non-player characters (NPCs) that attack them. The objective of the game mode is to survive a certain number of rounds without being defeated by the NPCs.

TOURNAMENTS and Fractal have partnered to bring a new set of leaderboards to the free-to-play FPS game, offering players the chance to earn special Platinum Badges by connecting their Fractal wallets and ranking high on the monthly leaderboards. These badges grant access to monthly events with increased prizes, providing additional earning potential for collaborative gameplay.

Players who achieve the top 10% of the leaderboard receive the Platinum version of the Proof of Play collectibles, which allow owners to earn 20x the normal match payouts during the next monthly Deathmatch Earn event. Even if players canโ€™t earn the Platinum level reward, they can still craft the collectibles into higher tier versions, which are tradeable on the Fractal marketplace. The ongoing value of these badges means they can continue to provide additional earning potential for collaborative gameplay in future seasons.


Collaborative gameplay is an important aspect of, as the game offers several modes where players can team up to face challenges together. The Survival mode, for example, requires two players to work together to fend off waves of non-player characters (NPCs). This mode incentivizes players to communicate and coordinate their efforts to achieve the objective of surviving for a certain number of rounds.

Additionally, the Team Deathmatch mode randomly divides players into groups of four, encouraging teamwork and strategizing to eliminate opponents and earn points. Players can also join games with their friends or party to play together and enhance their collaborative gameplay experience.

Moreover, the ability to upgrade characters with various abilities and discover new ones adds another layer of collaboration, as players can share knowledge and help each other improve their characters. The NFT system in also promotes collaborative gameplay, as players can participate in clan wars and PVP gameplay to increase the power level of their NFTs and earn more rewards together.


Overall, is a blockchain-based FPS shooter game that offers players a unique gaming experience with various game modes and character personalization through NFTs and upgradeable abilities. The game provides a collaborative gameplay option, allowing players to team up with friends in different modes, including survival mode, to fight off non-player characters.

With the ability to earn โ€œEโ€ tokens and exchange them for real money, is gaining popularity on platforms like Twitch. While some may view the Web3 aspects of the game skeptically, has unlimited potential as a solid shooter game with high accessibility and rewards for players.


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